Gun Susangkaran

Born : Bangkok, 1971


  • Bachelor of Arts (Political Science) Political Science (Public Administration), Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Master of Science in Administrative Studies (Multinational Commerce),         Boston University, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
  • Certificated Course
    • New EnglandSchool of Photography
      • Basic Darkroom by Nick Johnson
      • Advanced Darkroom by Jim Triquet
      • Zone System by Nick Johnson
      • Studio Lighting by Bruno De Barr
    • Maine Photographic Workshops
      • Master class: Exploring the land with John Sexton


“Memo :2015” @ Bangkok Art and Cultural Center, 2015

“Klai Phrae” Gingerbread house, 2013

“Intimate Landscape : Droplets on lotus Leaves” @ Dot Art Gallery, 2013 (Solo)

“180 photographs – Two Nations One friendship” @Central World, 2013

“14 Fine Art photographers” @ Bangkok Art and Cultural Center, 2012

“Eastern Tibet” @ Foto Gallery, 2011 (Solo)

“Plant Planet” @ Anna Art Gallery, 2010

“Mixed-Mitr” @ Bangkok Art and Cultural Center, 2010

“Bangkok Bananas” @ Bangkok Art and Cultural Center, 2009

“Shared Chairs” @ Playground, 2006

“Things as they are” @ Kraichitti Gallery, 2005

“MARSHA my gallery” @ Kraichitti Gallery, 2004 (Solo)

“Spendid Isolation” @ Eat Me Art restaurant, 2003(Solo)

“Still FEB” @ Rare Art Gallery, 2003

“Firstime Artphoto” @ Pranakorn Gallery,2002

“Enlightened” @ Rare Art Gallery, 2002

“Enlightened” @ Procolor lab,2002(Solo)

“Still Motion” @ Bangkok2509,2001

“Still Motion” @ Pranakorn Gallery,2002

“Still Motion” @ Toh kim Gallery(Solo)

“from American Landscape” @ Tadu Contemporary Art, 1998(Solo)

“Hard Core Black&White” @ 253 Gallery, 1998

“On Nature” @ Campus camera, Boston, 1997(Solo)

“Student Works” @ Gallery One, Boston, 1997(Solo)


 Founder of ARTPHOTO SCHOOL (since 2000)

Papers of Choice